Reality of the world

Anas Radiyallahu anhu narrates
that Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam in a Hadith Qudsi said:
On the Day fo Resurrection a person from the people of the Fire,
who had been living the most comfortable and luxurious life in the world,
will be brought, and dipped once in the Fire.
Then he will be asked:
O son of Adam! Do you recall seeing any good, a moment of comfort or luxury?
He will reply: No, by Allah, O my Rabb!
And a person from the people of Paradise, who had been living a most distressful
life in the world, will be brought, (and) dipped once in Paradise.
Then he will be asked:
Have you experienced any misfortune?
Has any distress come your way?
To which he will reply: No, by Allah, O my Rabb!
No misfortune has ever come my way and I have never experienced any distress.


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